Sunday, July 28, 2013

where is she now?

snake river twilight (capn firefly photo)
as this blog is a place for thinking through the space between dreams, it occurred to me that i could structure it along the lines of my first post, entitled "manifesto." it occurred to me that i could choose one line of the manifesto and write something that elaborates on it.

very well. i choose the line about not comparing myself to anybody else for any reason whatsoever.

i find that i fail in this most miserably with respect to my younger self. at this point in my life, age 62, i compare my now self to my past self and find my now self wanting. wanting execrably. because as of right now i have pretty much lost hope. i have pretty much lost my dreams. and i don't yet know what will come along to replace them. if anything.

here is the question i find myself asking: "where is the chansonette who...." and here are some of the permutations of that question:

where is the chansonette who believed her memoir would be published, and would touch millions of women who had suffered what she suffered as a child, and help them heal?

where is the chansonette who left her dead marriage believing that true love would find her? where is that true love?

where is the chansonette who fell in love and believed that love was the true one? and where is that love?

where is the chansonette who bought an old dilapidated house on a wish and a prayer and believed that she would be able to fix it up and make it beautiful and truly own it? and where is the chansonette who believed that some day her true love would join her there, and where is that true love?

where is the chansonette who believed in fitness and worked her body? where is that fitness? what happened to that beautiful body?

where is the chansonette who went through a phd program as a single parent on loans and believed that she would be 1) able to pay those loans back and 2) have a "career" in which she exercised her gifts and made a difference in the world? where is that career? what difference has she made?

where is the chansonette who knew without a doubt that she is a gifted healer and who believed that, when she was laid off from her day job at berkeley and forced into "retirement" it meant the time had come for her to make her living doing her gift and making a difference in the lives of others?

where is that "career" making a difference in the lives of others (not counting all the others who ask her to work on them "pro bono")?

where is the chansonette who believed that horses would be an integral part of her life? where are those horses?

where is the chansonette who rode horses, painted, sang, played flute, spoke spanish and french, ran, lifted weights, hiked, swam, biked, danced barefoot on beaches, made love, cooked, gardened, planned, dreamed, took risks, believed?

tonight? i don't know. but i hope i find her again soon.

and, more importantly, i hope she finds me.


  1. Perhaps right now we are seeing more of her than you think we are.
    Dreams, grief, hope, when do we grieve, when do we stop hoping? I don't know. But I will say that I see you and hear you and I believe that you are far from done. I think your memoir should get out there, be a part of the story. I think it will happen.

    1. thank you dearest Lynn....i'm taking this to heart xoxoxo

  2. Surely, that "other" Chansonette has not disappeared. Surely, she has merely deepened into time's milieu. Nothing is really lost, is it? When dreams and ideals fail to manifest in the world at large, maybe they have to "go" somewhere else: transforming into a richer personal beauty.

    And aren't occasions of melancholy the eventual way of all things? As well as the subtle aesthetic bringing a later and different quality to acts of creativity?

    How could that "other" Chansonette be more beautiful than the present one?

    1. so true, dear brutha buck...there's an ebb and flow, always. when i get in the ebb i sometimes forget that other side, and the truth that who we are now contains all those earlier selves is lost on me. beautiful reminder. thank you xxoo

  3. I am glad that you posted the Manifesto as your first blog entry. Today's post seems to be the dark side of the positive "manifestation" that you proposed in Manifesto. We all get into the dark spaces and I usually just need to be hugged out of it. Or, take some more time. The mental gyrations don't seem to help me much at that point. Sending warm thoughts your way...and please don't forget to take one of the Manifesto points each day, each hour, each minute...if that is what it takes to get your equilibrium back.

  4. thanks, dear Duff. i usually need to be hugged out of it too :). i'm feeling better today, and remembering how magical the last couple of years have been in so many ways -- i really did feel that i was reclaiming all those "lost" parts of myself, and also becoming in ways i hadn't yet imagined for myself. i shall take your advice and do what i originally planned when that Manifesto came to me, which is meditate on it or parts of it daily....xoxxoo
